“May All Beings Be Happy
May All Beings Be Safe
May All Beings Everywhere Be Free”
–Buddhist Prayer
–(link to Jennifer Berezan and friends beautifulrendition)
Since my last post “We Are Not Alone,” I’ve received many appreciative responses along with poetry and messages that also point towards the possibility of this being a much needed transformative moment for humanity. I’ve put together a site at medium.com, https://medium.com/@covid.inspirations, that brings some of these together and hope you will find them inspiring and helpful.
I understand fully the fear, anxiety, and actual physical suffering that this pandemic engenders. I also understand that it is quite possible for humanity to take this time to spiral further into a destructive course, one already underway, that many of us have been calling attention to for years. My intention, and I believe the intention of the writings at the site I’ve created, is not to gloss over the reality, but to foster the strength to face this reality with open eyes and the willingness to make the changes required.
I do believe that we as a species must meet the reality we have created with a new way of seeing. We need to let go of the modern era’s sense of certainty and the post-modern era’s tendency to nihilism and cynicism. This is no easy task. Just as we have been basted in sexism and racism, we have been raised in a world that only believes in what can be weighed and measured and the certainty that we are separate from each other.
As we take the precautions necessary to stop the spread of the pandemic, let us also be mindful of this important work on ourselves. This is only the beginning.
Help spread inspiration https://medium.com/@covid.inspirations
“These are the times that try our ability to stay aligned with our Souls. As the Covid-19 virus pandemic has spread and unprecedented actions are taken to control or minimize the spread, some people have responded with unprecedented beauty, wisdom and compassion……” See: https://medium.com/@covid.inspirations/these-are-the-times-98ef4b07718b
–Alan Levin